Tweets To Santa


For the past 4 years, I’ve written something to Santa, in hopes that he will one day hover over my house and drop off all the presents I have asked for. I’ve written him an email, sent him snail mail, and even insulted and challenged his very existence in an open letter. This has become a tradition, and since he hasn’t once responded to any of my requests, I’ll have to keep on doing it until he elicits a response.

This year, I decided that since Santa is always ‘on-the-go’, he might not have the time, or the patience to read a long letter, email or otherwise. So this year, I’m just going to tweet him my Christmas letter, in 140 characters or less, so that he’ll have no excuse to not respond.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m only tweeting him once. Who tweets ONLY ONCE?

Note: This is configured to look like a Twitter feed. You're supposed to read from bottom to top for it to make sense. 

Have a great Christmas everyone! And hopefully Santa replied and got you what you wanted for Christmas this year. Merry Christmas!


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